It’s long overdue but it’s now available!
You can download version 4.1 from Theme Forest by logging into your purchasing account and clicking “Downloads”. Find the “KingSize WordPress Theme” and click the “Download” button and download the “Main Files”.
If you have not already read “How to Update“, it’s strongly encouraged you do so first and as always, BACKUP your website prior to making any changes to your website. We cannot be held responsible for any issues that may be encountered with the updates. Best to play safe rather then sorry.
If you’ve assigned any pages or posts to use the previous “Slider / Video Background” settings, you will need to re-apply the setting when updating to version 4.1. This simply means you have to go into your “Dashboard > Pages/Posts > Edit” that specific page / post and inside the write-panel options locate “KingSize Page/Post Background Settings” and inside this area you’ll see “Slider / Video Background”, it’s a new option for controlling your page/post backgrounds. Assign what the page/post was using previously, whether “Slider or Video” and save the changes, it will allow your previous settings to work.
We’ve packed a lot of new features, fixes and options into this updated version. Aside from one thing we’re aware everyone is patiently waiting for, that being the Responsive-design. We intend to release the responsive version in coming weeks but we knew this update has already been delayed long enough so we pushed it out as fast as we could. We can assure you though in our next update, we’ll be including a few more new features along with the responsive design.
In the meantime, here’s what we’ve released in version 4.1:
New Features:
Bug / Issue Fixes:
When releasing such large updates, it’s hard to really describe which files and lines were updated and in this case, version 4.1 practically includes updates and edits to all files used in the template. You can open the “kingsize” folder and view the “last modified” dates on all files. As you can see, practically all files have been updated. We do apologize for any inconveniences this may cause you but unfortunately it’s difficult to list all the edits in such a large update. Thank you though for your understanding.
Before releasing any new versions (specifically, the responsive version), we will wait and see what bugs / issues may be reported and as necessary will release updates addressing those. We will not release a Theme Forest update with fixes until we’ve received all issues reported that we can track.
Once we’ve been able to identify all issues (if any) we will release an updated version (likely version 4.1.1). Any patches to be released prior to Theme Forest updates will be announced and available on the Forums.
To register with our support forums:
You will require completing the following steps to register:
If you still require assistance, contact us privately:
support [at] (replace with @).
In recent weeks, I’ve [Bryce Wisekal] been battling health issues and unfortunately it has caused me to be unavailable and unable to access the Internet to help with buyer support. I am regrettably sorry for this and as our buyers in the past know, we’ve always taken a great pride in the support we offer our buyers. If there were any other options available, we would have done them to better assist but due to the unexpected position I was put in, it has been bad. I’m sorry.
On behalf of O.W.M Consulting (Our Web Media), Kumar and I will be bringing on an additional Support guy to help with our buyer support. His name is Deepesh, a real good guy we’ve had the pleasure of having a part of our team. So in case I’m unable to access the Internet due to health or other reasons, we now have 3 guys available for WordPress support that will hopefully help us avoid this happening again in the future.
Please note, when an announcement is made, we always sticky the announcement to the top of the Support Forums for everyone to clearly see. In some cases, like my recent disappearance, being so sudden and unexpected, I was unable to do so as most of this time I had been admitted to the hospital, but my recovery is slow but I’m making headway.
I would like to thank all the buyers out there who had stood up in my defense during this time. It is a great pleasure knowing we have your support and help. Thank you so much everyone for your patience and again I am sincerely sorry for those delays. I can understand and relate to your frustrations and inconveniences and again if anything was able to be done, I would have done it as you know, and have said before, support to our template and product / services in general is utmost important to us.
Thanks from us all, specifically, myself, for your understanding.